Greatest gain of online shopping is that there is no limitation of time. Shoppers are now open to go shopping whenever they want irrespective of where they are situated. They are just a good internet connection away for shopping. Nevertheless, delivery of the ordered goods is always a headache for many customers around the globe. People are now very busy in a fast-paced world, and they are not always at the doorstep to receive product delivery. The best a retailer can help out modern customers with is to allow multiple delivery options.


Don’t want to provide delivery on Sundays or during Easter holidays? Same-day delivery is not available after 16:00? Want to generate money for next day delivery or holiday delivery? All these problems are faced in modern day E-Commerce System. Biztech store’s Magento Delivery Date Scheduler lets you avoid all these problems and can easily indicate any day unavailable for delivery – recurrent day of week, recurrent date, any certain period or one single day.

Key Features of Delivery Date Scheduler for Admin



Key Features of Delivery Date Scheduler for Front End Users



Offering power to your customers can boost your sale. Define from backend what you want to display to your customers and what not!Hence, there is nothing better than meeting this demand and surpass your competitors. So, you can allow your customers to choose Delivery Time Now with Our Delivery Date Scheduler!