MijoSearch is a extended search extension for Joomla, which is useable with Joomla Core and with some fine 3rd partie extensions. Mijosoft LCC equipped it with fine features, like a advanced search with extra fields or a overall view with all relevant search results. Also the "Did you mean" function is a nice feature, if a search yields no result. Beside this, Mijo Search works also with Google Analytics Site Search. You can download this search extension in a free version on developers website. If you want to use Mijo Search with all features, try one of the offered commercial versions. MijoSearch is native to Joomla 2.5 and Joomla 3.0. It works also in the earlier version Joomla 2.5.
Selected supported extensions:
MijoShop, MijoPolls, Kunena, jDownloads, VirtueMart, HikaShop, redSHOP, DOCman, EasyBlog, EasyDiscuss, K2, FLEXIcontent, EventList, ZOO, Discussions, Ninjaboard, AdsManager, Agora, JCal Pro, JomSocial, JEvents, EZ Realty, hwdVideoShare, JoomGallery, Phoca Gallery, Listbingo, Marketplace, Mosets Tree, Community Answers, SOBI2, Community Polls
Name: MijoSearch
Author: Mijosoft LCC
License: not reported
Charge: free / commercial
Size: 933 kB (zip-file MijoSearch free version for Joomla 2.5)
Language: English
Native to: Joomla 1.5, 2.5, 3.0
Framework: not reported
Build with: PHP, XML
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