Solar comes with 9 color variations, 5 textures, 9 fonts and 3 module styles. A support of Yoothemes famous content extension ZOO is included. Also the nice Icon series of Yootheme can be used with this template. A fine feature are the integrated widgetkit styles for slideshows and spotlights. The used Warp 6 Framework is ready for destops and mobiles. Modern web technologies, like HTML5 and CSS3 guarantee the fast work of Solar. Overall a fine template, which is useable for all website topics in Joomla 2.5 and Joomla 3.0.
- Responsive layout
- Drop down menu
- Multiple module positions
- Multiple columns
- 9 color variations
- 5 textures
- 9 fonts
- 3 module styles
- ZOO support
- Yootheme Icons support
- Special widgekit styles for slideshows and spotlights
- Modern web technologies
- Ready for desktops and mobiles
- Cross browser compatible to Safari, Chrome, Internet Explore, Firefox and Opera
Name: Solar
Author: Yootheme
License: not reported
Charge: commercial
Size: not reported
Language: English
Native to: Joomla 2.5, 3.0
Framework: Warp 6 Framework
Build with: HTML5, CSS3
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