TZ Meloul is ready for desktops and mobiles. Templaza designed it especially for music websites in Joomla 3.0. I fine thing is the integrate jPlayer, which plays your favorite audio files. Its possibly to upload audio files, like mp3, wav, ogg, or video files, like mp4, ogv, flv or m4v. The whole template based on Bootstrap and is realized with HTML5 and CSS3. Its layout comes with 4+ columns and is cross browser compatible to IE8+, Firefox 4+, Safari 4, Safari 5, Opera and Chrome. The download is commercial.


Name: TZ Meloul

Author: Templaza

License: not reported

Charge: commercial

Size: not reported

Language: English

Native to: Joomla 3.0

Framework: Bootstrap Framework

Build with: not reported

Added on Monday, 06 May 2013


Demo Link


Download Link