Magento Modes is a state in which you are running your Magento Store.

There are 3 Modes in Magento you can switch between them.

Default Mode

This is the default mode that comes when you install Magento for the first time. Magento Default mode does not have debugging capability. This mode has basically no real purpose. Moreover, this mode does not have complete cashing potential.

Developer Mode

This is the perfect mode for developing your online store. This is the slowest mode. In this mode you can find errors easily and directly on the web page.

Production Mode

This mode is fast and ideal for making your store live. You can Cached all pages which decrease page load time and improve the overall performance of your online store. Also, this mode is the most secure mode.

Finding a bug in this mode is very difficult as compared to the rest of the two modes. Because in this mode errors are not sent to the web browser.

Change Modes in Magento?

Connect your Magento Root Directory and apply the following command.

bin / magento deploy : mode set {mode}

To view the current mode run the following command.

bin / magento deploy : mode : show

It will show a message like this.

Current application mode : {mode}

How to Switch to Developer Mode

Use this command to switch to developer mode.

bin / magento deploy : mode : set developer

How to enable Production Mode?

With the help of the following command, you can enable the production mode.

bin / magento deploy : mode : set production

How to enable Default Mode?

Run the following command to enable Default Mode.

bin / magento deploy : mode : set : default

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