B.Metis is the newest template from ByJoomla which is released in 2013. After launching, the template has astounded its customers with the supreme ability of simple customization, ultra-modern and tidy design. Alike other products from ByJoomla, the template is designed for multi-purposes, ranging from blogging, online shops, company websites and so on. 

The flexible design provides various options to be creative with 62+ menu icons, 8 color variation, a huge typography library and 15+ collapsible modules with variable parameters. As usual, this template comes with ByJoomla extensions BJ Drop-down menu 2 (the updated version - just for B. Metis), BJ Image slider 2, BJ Headline roller and BJ Facebook Social extensions.

Template B Metis Info

Template B Metis Positions

 B.Metis position

Template B Metis Feature List

o xHTML & CSS validation
o Cross browser compatible - Support Chrome, IE7+, Firefox 2+, Safari, Opera
o SEO friendly with SEO parameters.
o Flash-Free (easily browsered on mobile devices)
o Compatible with Joomla 2.5
o Simple CSS-based customization.
Quickstart 5 steps guide and advanced typography are available in PRO version

Template B Metis Layout

B.Metis Layout