1. Own Profil.
Our Dashboard allows you to create your own profil and connect it with your social network accounts. All posts, which you publish on JOOMFRIENDS will be automatically transmitted to your social networks. We support facebook, Twitter and Google+. You can also registrate your Feedburner URL to join your blog with Feedburner.
2. Clear Post Editing.
Publish your post by WYSIWYG. Our Dashboard allows you the create your post with a clear and simple input-mask. You can publish your informations with a feature-rich editor, which gives you the possibility to style your post as you want it and vitalize it with images, videos or tags.
3. Rich Publishing Features.
All of your published posts can be managed by yourself. You allow, if other users can commented your post or registrate themselve for subscriptions. Its also possible to send notification emails or embed your current location.
4. User-oriented
Seo Optimization.
Our search engine optimization features gives you the full control about Meta Descriptions, Meta Keywords and robots, so that post will appear in the SERPS on top.
5. Short Story Sharing.
If you haven't much time to publish, it's possible to share your information as short story. Our dashboard allows you to integrate your information as text, photo, video, quote or link.
6. Simple
Blog Management.
All posts, that you publish on joom-friends.com can be administraded directly in the dashboard. You can edit a post with one click and make changes by a clear WYSIWYG-inputmask. A blog preview shows you, how your post will look in frontend.
7. Simple
Tag Management.
Create your favorite tags in easy way. The integrated tag management gives you a overview about your tags and allows you to create new tags in short time.
8. Easy Comment Control.
Manage all incoming user comments of your posts with few clicks. Our dashboard allows you to edit every comment or set permalinks.
9. Auto Draft Creation.
Don't worry, if you could complete a post in one session. Our system create automatically Auto Drafts. Thereby it's possible to continue your post, when ever you want. Natural all drafts are deletable, if you want this.
10. Helpful Log-Activity.
If you have ever forgotten, what you wanted to do yet, our Log-Activity helps you further. Its gives you a special overview about your activities and guide you to your not completed tasks.
You're interested in more, then Sign up now and get a complete view.