Are you looking a template to create professional portfolio website or photo galleries? SJ Atom would certainly be an appreciated idea for creating a web like that.

This template is a super clean & responsive one page template with horizontal design for Joomla 2.5 and 3.x. It has the flat design, well-structured as well as a lot of powerful extension included, that allows you to perform the sheer volume of information with an amazing look.

SJ Atom - Responsive Joomla! Template for business site

Besides, This template is powered by K2 component, sothe whole of your website will be supported in the best way.

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Unique One-page & Utility Design

SJ Atom has a unique design with a single horizontal page using horizontal scrolling. Each page is presented in an engaging way and integrated extensions for particular page features, that attract the highest attention of the viewer. With the amazing homepage, it's easy to showcase your business, services, gallery, project, blog… to make an impressive company site. Come to your site built with SJ Atom, anyone will be fascinated with strange and eye-pleasing design.
 SJ Atom - Unique and Utility Design

Unlimited Colors with Admin Option & 6 Color Presets

SJ Atom - Colors


There are 6 color options (Yellow, Blue, Green, Orange, Pink, Red) for you to easily makeup skin of website. Besides, SJ Atom is an unlimited color theme, so you can change color's website all params: body, header, footer.. as the way you want.Let's check Cpanel to choose one.

Fully Responsive

SM Atom is build be fully responsive and adaptive with various styles depended on your screen size, your devices, mobile, iPhone, iPad and other tablets.
 SJ Atom - Fully Responsive

Menu Styles:

SJ Atom supports 3 types of menu: Mega Menu, Css Menu or Moo Menu.

SJ Atom - Menu Types

Powered by K2 Component

SJ Atom - K2 Component

Loading more content function

SJ Atom - Loading more content

Pop-up to zoom image and view article

It’s so convenient for customers to view articles directly on the Homepage. The information is displayed as pop-up with scrollbar and included full content. In the detail page, customer can quickly view the image's article as pop-up when click on image without leaving the current page.

Pop Up

Powerful Admin Panel

SJ Atom - Pop-up view

With intuitive and understandable interface, users can easy to customize the template as they wish.

Main Features:

That's it. Are you ready to get this great template? If not yet, let's check demo right now and you'll love it!

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