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Best Joomla K2 templates in year 2014 Well-known K2 extension is the ideal solution for managing content of Joomla website, it can be used for a small blog, a complex corporate site or even a multi-author environment (portals, magazines). K2 not only save website owners precious management time (from managing a dozen extensions which would otherwise be required), but they also allow for better performance. Main principles of K2 extension are: feature-rich content in Joomla! ease of use (for any type of user) performance That's why we use K2 extension in OrdaSoft Joomla! templates. Today I would like to present you top 7 of the best Joomla k2...
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OS EcoFood - Food Store Joomla Template OS Ecofood is designed in green fresh colors and can be used for websites selling Organic Food, Vegan Food, Food from Farms and other type of online store or shop.  If you want to create online shop of eco friendly food - Joomla ecommerce template Ecofood is a great choice. This food website template is based on popular ecommerce solution for Joomla - Virtuemart and on the base template from Ordasoft - OS Blank Joomla Template.  DEMO | MORE DETAILS...
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Are you looking a template to create professional portfolio website or photo galleries? SJ Atom would certainly be an appreciated idea for creating a web like that.

This template is a super clean & responsive one page template with horizontal design for Joomla 2.5 and 3.x. It has the flat design, well-structured as well as a lot of powerful extension included, that allows you to perform the sheer volume of information with an amazing look.

SJ Atom - Responsive Joomla! Template for business site

Besides, This template is powered by K2 component, sothe whole of your website will be supported in the best way.

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