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FloZo - Free WordPress Theme - Flyerzone FloZo is one of the minimalist free business theme solutions for WordPress. Flyerzone provide it with a minimal layout, based on reduced styles and timeless colors. FloZo comes furthermore with image gallery and image slider support. Overall, this theme loads fast, could thereby be your choice for your business website based on Wordpress. FloZo deliver this theme for free, downloadable on the developer website. Key facts: responsive layout minimal style timeless colors image slideshow support gallery support social links integration special typography free download Download Link...
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Posted by on in Free WordPress Themes

Folder - Free WordPress Theme by Luis Zuno Folder comes with a nice flex slider for the presentation of your images. Its responsive grid offers 5 different widgets. Contemporary colors garantuee a pleasant impression of this theme. In addition to this, Luis Zuno provide this WordPress Theme for free, if you share it on your twitter or facebook account. Folder can be used best for personal or photo blogs. The download is available on the site of the author. Key facts: responsive layout 5 different widgets for lastest work, twitter feed, contact form, recent posts and video contemporary colors flex slider included social links integratable special typography free download...
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Hueman - Free WordPress Theme by AlxMedia Hueman is a fantastic free WordPress Theme by AlxMedia, responsive to any device, which comes with 4 in-build styles, 6 layout variations and additional positions for drop down menues and social links. You can use it for your personal blog as well as magazine or media blogs.The layout is also ready for the integration of galleries or slideshows. Included shortcodes and a special typography make this theme to a unique eyecatcher. AlxMedia provide this theme for free without conditions. Its available on developers website. Key facts: 3 columns layout 4 in-build styles 6 layout variations grey/white color style drop down menu...
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