SP Weather, a free weather extension for Joomla 2.5 and Joomla 3.x, use Yahoo Weather as API. You can display the weather of your place by two provided designs, as block or as list. SP Weather integrates Celsius and Fahrenheit as temperature display. A lot of settings can be configured directly in Joomla Backend. JoomShaper provide this module extension on their website. You can download it without conditions.

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Display your local weather data with Weather GK4, a free Joomla weather extension, realized by GavickPro. The weather data will be submitted by GeoPlanet Explorer. You can generate your localization and a WOEID there. Weather GK4 integrates the displayed text and images automatically from Google Weather or Yahoo! Weather. You can configure that directly in Joomla Backend. The download is free. A registration on developers website is the condition. Weather GK4 is native to Joomla 2.5 and Joomla 3.x.

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Wohnung Löbau Auf wohnen-in-loebau.de finden Sie bestimmt Ihre neue Wohnung in Löbau.