Mobile optimize your Joomla websites for mobiles devices, like iPhone, iPad or Android handhelds. All images, JavaScript and CSS files of your website will prepared for a optimal load and better performance in mobile mode. Mobile Solutions provides this fine mobile extension in a free version, which is usable in Joomla 2.5 or Joomla 3.0 and works also in the earlier version Joomla 1.5. You can get Mobile with more features in two commercial versions.

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Joooid helps you to create and manage your Joomla articles from your Android handheld. Stefano Norcia equipped this free android client with a article editor and a lot of functions. You can add images and galleries or change the titel, category and content of your articles. The Geotag function of Joooid allow users to see your currently positon, if you embed a Geotag map or set the map coordinates with the integrated handy map picker. Overall a helpful tool, that can be download for free on developers website. Stefan Norcia published different tutorials on YouTube, which make the work with Joooid more easier.

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