DJ-PassReset [FREE] - Force users to change passwords in Joomla ...
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New release! DJ-PassReset is a Joomla extension designed as a solution for admins that want to force their users to change the password. This change can be done during the first login or later, after a selected period.  This free extension is easy to install and easy to use!...
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JJAntispam by Adrian Rosian check, if a user registration on your website is real or spam. This AntiSpam extension for Joomla 2.5 combares the registration signature with the results of the famous BoutScout database. So a registration for spammers on your site will be more difficult. JJAntispam is free. A registration is the condition. You can download it on developers website.

SP Smart Slider, SP Portfolio, SP Timel
SP Smart Slider, SP Portfolio, SP Timeli
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