[Tutorial] Error 500 - after the input of a wrong user name or a wrong password in Joomla 2.5 Login It doesn't happen very often, but sometimes your server reports a "Error 500" after the input of a wrong user name or a wrong password in Joomla 2.5 Login, if you previously changed some settings. This tutorial shows you, what could be the trigger. Cause of this error is either a linking error or/and wrong directory- or file permissions.This two steps could be solve this problem. Step 1: Check, if you set the directory- and file permissons of your tmp-directory and log-directory correctly. You find both directories in the main directory of your Joomla CMS. Both directories will be displayed in...
Tagged in: Error 500
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  • joom-friends
    joom-friends says #
    I noticed it was caused by the change of my cPanel username. So, i edited the paths in the config file with the new username and i
  • joom-friends
    joom-friends says #
    solved my problem, thanks
  • joom-friends
    joom-friends says #
    I have changed my Configuration file permission to writable . and now it is working fine Thanks.

[Tutorial] Warning: Failed to move file! - solve the www-run problem by fastCGI - advantages and disadvantages

On some servers the installation of templates or extensions doesn't work in Joomla 2.5, although you have set all directory- and file permissions in the right way. You realize that, if Joomla reports following message during the installation.

Warning: Failed to move file!

Reason for that, can be wrong directory- and file permissions or the classical www-run problem, if your hoster runs Apache as module. In this tutorial we show you, how you can solve this problem by the run of PHP as fastCGI, its advantages and disadvantages.

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[ Solved ] Another Menu item with the same parent has this alias - Error building Admin Menus - Problem after Xmap 2.2.1 Installation in Joomla 2.5

After the Installation of Xmap, a SEO Sitemap Component for Joomla, it is possible that Joomla don't display Xmap in the components of your Joomla 2.5 Administration. The easiest way to know that is, if Joomla reports after the installation of Xmap following message:

Another Menu item with the same parent has this alias

Error building Admin Menus

The installation of Xmap was indeed successfull, but Xmap will not displayed.


This error occurs, if you try to install Xmap again, after a failed installation. Then, you have two options to solve this error.

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