DJ-Classifieds version is here.
The update fixes 12 bugs. Resolved issues improve the work with the Joomla classified ads extension.
The list of recently encountered issues that have been corrected in this update you can see in the changelog....
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Modern web solutions for Joomla and Wordpress
DJ-Extensions is a well known developer of high quality Joomla! extensions and templates.
We are also authors of WordPress plugins and themes.
We believe that simplicity and user-friendliness makes good solution.
Most popular extensions are DJ-Classifieds, DJ-Catalog2, DJ-MediaTools, DJ-ImageSlider, DJ-MegaMenu. Our offer includes tools for YOOtheme Pro web builder.
DJ-Extensions is a well known developer of high quality Joomla and WordPress products.
We believe that simplicity and user-friendliness makes good tool.
Most popular extensions are DJ-Classifieds, DJ-Catalog2, DJ-MediaTools, DJ-ImageSlider, DJ-MegaMenu.
We believe that simplicity and user-friendliness makes good tool.
Most popular extensions are DJ-Classifieds, DJ-Catalog2, DJ-MediaTools, DJ-ImageSlider, DJ-MegaMenu.
Display DJ-Classifieds items (markers & filters) on Geommunity3 Google Maps.
Take advantage of the DJ-Classifieds extension integration with Geommunity Maps.
Geommunity3 is the component purposed to locate, on AJAX Google Maps, the content via plugins....
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