

I'm Jude C from MightyJoomla.com. I'm a professional software developer. I love to develop Joomla Templates and Extensions and offer them for free at MightyJoomla.com

Thumb Mighty Magna Pic
MightyMagna is a free joomla 2.5 template from MightyJoomla.com. Template is great for business websites. But you can also adapt the template to any other niche as well. Demo | Download Template Features Fast and Lightweight Responsive Design and Compatible with Joomla 2.5 Version Supports HTML5 and CSS3 RTL Support CSS Framework Built-In Slide Show Component Ideal for Business or Personal Websites Three Column Layout with Left and Right Sidebars Four Column Footer Social Media Integreated (Twitter, Facebook and Google Plus) Nice and Simple Admin UI Javascript and CSS File Minification ...
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