6maps free markers. Free custom makers for Joomla Google map module.
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Hi dudes, another freebie for awesome free module 6maps.
Map is very important item on your site, presence of the map helps your customer to trust you more, because he sees that you are a real company and if he would have any questions, he would be able to ask them personal.
Our Joomla Google Map module "6maps" solve this questions and it is completely free, so you can now start doing your website better and gain the loyalty of your customers. Of course for each site you will need a custom Google map and here our map is on a high level, it can change the color of the map, map type, height and width, zoom level. The main superior feature is changing the map icon, it is done in order to give a possibility for you to download your custom map marker.
Maybe you have search for superior Google map markers that will suits perfectly for "6maps" for free, but didn't find anything? But who knows best what markers will suit "6maps"? Exactly...We are)). Based on this we have created ten free custom map markers for "6maps" free Joomla Google map module.
As you can see there two types of "6maps" free custom markers: with empty circle and filled circle. For superior convenience all markers are PSD files free download. So enjoy Free custom makers for Joomla Google map module "6maps".