Elegant Gallery - Joomla module

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Elegant Gallery module shows joomla content, custom items or images from a folder in many styles. Articles, has the option to use tags or categories filter.

Filters (grid layouts)

  • Filter style - popup / classic
  • Category filters
  • Tag filters
  • Show All button

Data Source:


  • Select Category
  • Child Category Articles - Include / Exclude
  • Category Depth
  • Tag selection
  • Featured Articles - Only / Hide / Show
  • Article Field to Order By - Article Manager Order / Featured Articles Order / Hits / Title / Id / Alias / Created Date / Modified Date / Start Publishing Date / Finish Publishing Date
  • Ordering Direction - Descending / Ascending
  • Count
  • Open Link - New Window / Same Window / Popup window
  • Article Custom fields - Yes / No
  • Category Title - Yes / No
  • Item Title - Yes / No
  • Title Max length
  • Description display - Yes / No
  • Description Max length
  • Date display - Yes / No
  • Date format
  • Show Read More

Custom Items

  • Type - Image / video / Youtube / Vimeo
  • Filter Name
  • Title
  • Info
  • Read More Link
  • Open link in new widow - Yes / No


  • Select a Folder of image directory
  • Image Title - Show / Hide

More info

Live demo

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