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JD Boston – Creative Multipurpose Joomla Template
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JD Boston is a free multipurpose Joomla template. It is one of the cleanest and minimalist fully responsive Joomla 3.x template, comes with VirtueMart ecommerce integration. JD Boston is an excellent choice for startup, freelancers, ecommerce business websites. Also, all in one solution to give your Joomla site a professional yet alluring look.
- Powered by Helix 3 Framework
- More than Responsive
- CSS3 Animation Effects
- Inbuilt VirtueMart Integration
- Smart Slider 3 Included
- Chronoform Included
- Font Awesome Icon Integration
- Multi Blog Layout
- Wide and Boxed Layout
- Mega Menu and Off Canvas
- Fast and Lightweight
Changelog: v2.3:31-July-2018
- Changed: AcyMailing updated to 5.10.3
- Changed: Smart Slider 3 updated to 3.3.4
- Changed: Helix updated to 2.5.5
- Bugfix: Fixed VirtueMart Rating issue
Changelog: 21-February-2018: v2.1
Added: Missing Language
Changed: Joomla version update 3.8.5
Changed: Smart Slider 3 v3.2.12
Changed: VirtueMart v3.2.12
Changed: ChronoForms6 v6.0.17
Changed: AcyMailing v5.9.1
Fixed: Box layout Header Width
Changelog: v2.2: 16-Jul-2018
- Changed: Joomla updated to 3.8.10
- Changed: Kunena updated to 5.1.1
- Changed: Helix updated to 2.5.4
- Changed: ChronoForms updated to 6.0.19
- Changed: Helix3 - Ajax updated to 2.5.4
- Changed: VirtueMart updated to 3.2.14
- Changed: Smart Slider 3 updated to 3.3.4
- Bugfix: Login direct issue fixed in the article
- Bugfix: Enables missing page class suffix option
- Bugfix: Social Language fixes and coding styles improvement
- Bugfix: Menu page class suffix issue fixed
- Bugfix: Blog details image floating alignment issue fixed
- Bugfix: Blog listing image floating alignment issue fixed
Changelog : 24-October-2017: v2.0
- Added: Helix3 v2.3
- Added: SP Simple Portfolio v1.5
- Added: ChronoForms6 v6.0.12
- Removed: T3 Framework
- Removed: ChronoForms5
- Removes: KeenIT Responsive Portfolio
- Changed: Joomla version update 3.8.1
- Changed: K2 v2.8.0
- Changed: Smart Slider 3 v3.2.9
- Changed: VirtueMart v3.2.4
- Changed: AcyMailing v5.8.1