SP Weather, a free weather extension for Joomla 2.5 and Joomla 3.x, use Yahoo Weather as API. You can display the weather of your place by two provided designs, as block or as list. SP Weather integrates Celsius and Fahrenheit as temperature display. A lot of settings can be configured directly in Joomla Backend. JoomShaper provide this module extension on their website. You can download it without conditions.
YT Moustache is powered by ZOO, will be delivered with a lot of widgekits, like a gallerie, a slideset, lightboxes or accordions. Yootheme provide it with UIKit integration and 8 pre-installed color variations. You can customize it with a integrated color picker. YT Moustache supports also Google fonts and use Warp Framework as grid. Its thereby ready for desktops and mobiles. loads fast and comes with a lightweight source code, which supports LESS. You can use this template for any website topic. YT Moustache is ready for Joomla 2.5 and Joomla 3.x.
JA Appolio comes in 5 colors, 9 bonus pages, with video show support. Its minimal design is responsive, comes Parallax features and is ready for EasyBlog, a famous Joomla blog extension. Powered by T3 Framework, this template is lightweight and fast loading. Its multi Off-canvas menu looks great. The download is commercial. You can use JA Appolio with Joomla 2.5 and Joomla 3. Joomlart provide a online documentation for this template on the download site.