Gazzine is Joomlage new template realization for Joomla 2.5 and Joomla 3.0. This template will be delivered with 3 columns, 48 module positions and 6 layout options. A fine feature is the fullscreen image slideshow. Also the fading header looks fine. Overall a fine design, which is easy to customize in Joomla backend by a lot of template parameters.
Atjoomla realized AT Newscenter especially for all, who want to create a news website in Joomla 2.5 or Joomla 3.x. AT Newscenter offers a 3 columns layout and comes with generous features, like a body fontsize chooser, different menu types and a lot of modules, like a accordion module or a newsflash module. The download is free.
OT Fashionbag comes on OMG Responsive Framework, which is characterized by clean and well documented source code. Its layout is ready for K2 and includes a fashionable design. 22 module positions will be delivered. You can also set a lot of template parameters in Joomla Backend. OT Fashionbag is commercial, works with Joomla 2.5 and involves also Hot QuickStart.
Yootheme presents the third version of their famous Joomla Template Nano. Nano 3 comes on Warp 7 Framework, powered by UlKit, a new lightweight and modular template frontend. Its includes also Widgekit and ZOO, some great extension of Yootheme, which allows you to create beautiful content, slideshows, galleries or accordion modules. By the support of LessCSS and modern web technologies like HTML5, CSS3, PHP 5.3+ and jQuery, this template loads very fast. You can set also nice backgrounds or borders by the integrated style costumizer. A fine feature is also the special mobile menu. Nano 3 works with Joomla 2.5 and Joomla 3.1. The download is commercial.