Ol Metaves - Joomla 4 template

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  • Helix Ultimate Framework
  • Unlimited Module positions fully collapsible
  • Floating menu optional from template settings
  • Mega Menu Builder
  • Off Canvas Menu
  • Unlimited Colors - fully customize color schemes in the back-end
  • 8 ready color styles
  • Build with Bootstrap 5
  • Maintenance Coming Soon Mode
  • Template style boxed or fluid
  • Header Variations
  • Blog Options
  • Integrated Comments
  • Custom error page
  • RTL language support
  • Social Icons and Social Share
  • SCSS Added
  • Custom CSS
  • Custom Code
  • Ajax Rating
  • Flex slider module
  • Testimonial module
  • Sticky sidebar module
  • Maps module
  • Team module
  • Super news module
  • Modals module
  • Newsletter module


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