If you've ever thought about Joomla multilingual site you know how painful can be creating a Joomla translation. We offer way of making your Joomla 3 multilanguage (or Joomla 2.5) easy and quickly. SEF Translate helps to add Joomla multiple languages in a matter of few minutes.
The last version of SEF Translate 3.5.1 includes new translation method - Instant Joomla translation, this makes translating of Joomla websites even more easy and comfortable. So at the moment SEF Translate has three different methods for translating Joomla websites:
Let's take a closer look on them and decide in what case which Joomla translation method is the most suitable.
jPage Translator translate your website content by the help of Google Translation. You can integrate this free translation module in any website, which is build with Joomla 1.5 or Joomla 2.5. SiteGround provide it for free.