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Posted by on in Joomla Templates

Tc_theme49 - Joomla Template Responsive joomla 4 template Bootstrap 5 framework Background image for every template part Sticky Header Unlimited Module positions 8 ready color styles and unlimited color variation Ajax Rating Blog Options Mega menu builder Off Canvas Menu Floating horizontal menu Logo optional as image or as text SCSS Added Integrated Comments Social Icons and Social Share Custom CSS Custom Code Custom offline and error page Go to top Slider 2 module Newsletter module Super news module Gallery module Team module Modals module Services module Maps module TEMPLATE INFO TEMPLATE LIVE DEMO ...
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Posted by on in Free Joomla Templates

Td Optes - joomla 4 template Responsive bootstrap template, Compatible with Joomla 3 and Joomla 4, All module positions are fully collapsible, 3 column template, 30 Module positions, Kenburn slider with text info for each slide, 4 ready color styles, Horizontal menu, Logo optional as image png or as text, Smooth scrolling, Back to top, Background color chooser, Large shortcodes, Custom error page, News slider, quickstart installer for joomla 3.8 Google maps module, Social bookmarks module, Tooltips plugin, Gallery module. Full package and free version. FULL DETAILS TEMPLATE DEMO...
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Posted by on in Joomla Templates

Ol_Interior- Joomla Template Responsive template based on Bootstrap 51 Module positions fully collapsible 5 columns template with width at your choice Available in two styles - White or Black 6 color styles Slider controlled from template settings Logo optional as image png or as text Social media bookmarks Top panel Google Analytics Go to top feature Custom error page Components show-hide on template parameters CSS and Javascript Compression CSS Based Tables Design Template languages: English, Italian and Spanish Photo gallery module Shortcodes plugin Mozilla/Firefox/IE8+/Safari/Camino/Opera/Chrome Friendly MORE INFO and TEMPLATE DEMO...
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