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JA Orisite - fine Sport Template for Joomla 2.5 - ready for K2, VirtueMart and Kunena - Author: joomlart Hot, hot, hot. We think, JA Orisite is a successful example of a fine sport template for Joomla 2.5. And beside the beautiful design, JA Orisite is ready for famous Joomla extensions, like VirtueMart, K2 or Kunena and provides you a lot of great features, template layouts, navigation variations and color styles. And of course, JA Orisite will not be delivered without the many bonus pages, which developed joomlart specially for this template. Joomlart bulid this template on T3 Framework Version 2.  JA Orisite is cross browser compatibel, css and XHTML valid. Features: 4 columns layout (left+content, content + right col, 3 columns and...
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