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JA Vintas - a Joomla 2.5 Online Shop Template - ready for VirtueMart and K2 by Joomlart Ready for VirtueMart and K2, JA Vintas comes with a responsive layout in 4 color options. Joomlart create this template on fast loading T3 Framework V2.  You can choose from 4 menu types, 20+ module positions and integrate Joomlart extensions, like JA Slideshow Lite or JA Extension Manager. JA Vintas is cross browser compatible, ready for mobile devices and supports Google Fonts. A fine feature is the extra blog style. Joomlart delivered this theme with a lot of bonus pages, a quickstart package and all integrated psd-files. The download is commercial. Features: 4 color options 20+ module positions 4 menu types (JA mega...
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