FAQs is an important section of an online store. It helps users find answers to the most common questions about a product, service, store policy etc. They just go through a single FAQs page and search for their question withouth having to email the support team or posting queries on the website and then wait for the answer.
Magento 2 FAQ extension by FME provides an easy and effective platform to create and managne FAQs. It allows you to create a dedicated FAQ page with search option. Customers can easily search their required question and rate the answer. To make the...
The FAQ Manager Magento 2 extension helps user to ask question to get answer from admin. It will allow admin to add questions and answers and list them on frontside under particular category.
Easy to install
Fully Responsive
Category Management
Display tags
Video FAQ
Use friendly Interface
Rich configuration set
Allows to set limit
Better Communication
Widget Support
Ask Question
SEO Friendly URL
More details at: FAQ Manager - Magento 2 Extension
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