There are two online translation systems in SEF Translate automatic Joomla website translation at your disposal - Bing Translator and Google Translate. Both Bing Translator and Google Translate provides machine translation. But before starting comparing of them, let's briefly look at human translation as a kind of making your Joomla 3 multilanguage site.
Read the full article Bing Translator vs Google Translate...
It's time to be multilingual!
Hi, Balbooa, team of Six. Today a new big update is coming!
We decided to make Balbooa extensions support as much languages as possible. For that purpose we have attracted volunteers from OpenTranslators project. After a month we get a lot of translations variants on more than 6 languages, we have selected only native speaker translations and today want to give them to you!
Now our modules support English (en-GB); Dutch (nl-NL); French (fr-FR); Hungarian (hu-HU); Indonesian (id-ID); Italian (it-IT); Polish (pl-PL); Portuguese (pt-BR); Swedish (sv-SE). For each translated language every person get Uncover Joomla template,...