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Td Creative- JoomlaTD template Helix Ultimate framework, Bootstrap 4 framework, Background image for every template part, Unlimited Module positions, Mega menu builder, Floating horizontal menu, Off Canvas Menu, Logo optional as image or as text, 8 color styles red, blue, green, orange, light blue, purple, pink, turquoise, SCSS Added, Blog Options, Integrated Comments, Ajax Rating, Social Icons and Social Share, Custom CSS, Custom Code, Go to top, Custom offline and error page, CSS and Javascript Compression, Support RTL language, Mozilla / Firefox / IE / Safari / Camino / Opera / Chrome Friendly. News post module, Swiper slider module, Newsletter module, Testimonial module, Team...
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Sj JoomShop - eCommerce Joomla JoomShopping Template Sj JoomShop Joomla template is a stunning website template which is designed for multipurpose online stores with JoomShopping integrated. This JoomShopping template has all you need to build a wide range of eCommerce website from digital, technology, accessories, fashion or you can custom it to fit any kind of online stores. The responsive Joomla template - Sj JoomShop is built on Helix Framework integrated with dozens of high functionalities: : Mega Menu, Drag & Drop Builder, Product quickview, RTL language, 65+ Useful ShortCodes built-in... This JoomShopping Joomla template can be used for an online store with a huge number of...
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Posted by on in Free Joomla Templates

Ol_Soves - Joomla Template Responsive template based on Bootstrap, 67 Module positions fully collapsible, 5 columns template with width at your choice, 2 menu option Mega or moo menu, Slider controlled form template settings, Logo optional as image png or as text, Social bookmarks, 6 color styles, Background color, text color, background image or Pattern chooser, Top panel, K2 extra style, Custom offline page, Custom error page, RTL language support, Google Analytics, Google Fonts, Components show-hide on template parameters, CSS and Javascript Compression, CSS Based Tables Design, Mozilla/Firefox/IE8+/Safari/Camino/Opera Friendly, Shortcodes plugin, Megamenu plugin, News slider module, Newsletter module. MORE INFO and TEMPLATE DEMO...
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