Bang2Joom - Joomla! Development Club

In our blog you may find information and news about the best Joomla Templates and Extensions designed and developed by Bang2Joom Team!



Being a creative Joomla Development Club, we provide expressive Joomla templates & extensions with sleek minimalistic design.

E-Commerce Template-Joomla 3-B2J Inspired
B2J Inspired is an awesome Joomla 3 e-commerce template, which has just replenished B2J Collection of the best Joomla templates. This brand new theme is powered by T3 framework and is built around K2 component and K2 Store. B2J Inspired is ideal for crafting an engaging online-store.It has a stunning design, high functionality and amazing UX. It has the following predesigned pages:- 2 versions for Shop- Gallery- Blog-ContactFEATURES:- Fully responsive and retina ready - Swipe Touch - SEO friendly - Compatible with any browser - Supports K2 and K2 Store- Easy-to-customize Functionality is extended with:- B2J Aquarius Layer Slider- B2J Social SharerSee also B2J Inspired Documentation.B2J Inspired...
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B2J Wooden Wall - E- Commerce Template
B2J Wooden Wall is a free professional e-commerce template built around the Virtuemart component for Joomla. It is operating on the Bang2Joom Urartu Framework.   B2J Wooden Wall contains the following pages: -Home -Products Outdoor Furniture Workplace Living Room Dining Furniture Bedroom -Blog-Contact Us   FEATURES: -supports redSHOP-supports VirtueMart -cross-browser compatibility- SEO friendly-lightweight -easy-to-customize   Functionality is extended with: -B2J Image Slider-B2J Aquarius Product Zoom PRO-B2J Social Sharer   B2J Wooden Wall offers everything you want in an online web-store based on a design that's great for PC and mobile device navigation. Still looking for a sleek, professional and easy-to-use...
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Blog Template - Bang2Joom
B2J Alfheim is Joomla 2.5/3 template, operating on the Bang2Joom Urartu Framework. This clear and easy-to-use  Joomla blog template makes use of the K2 component. B2J Alfheim is  designed according to Bang2Joom's philosophy of minimalism and professionalism.  This template brings together many of custom-made K2 modules created by Bang2Joom developers, bringing you a professional, clean website. Among these is the amazing new B2J Alfheim Image Gallery Pro which we are very proud of. It doesn't matter if you are creating a portfolio site, a blogging site or an image gallery site, B2J Alfheim is just the template you need for an outstanding online presence! So what are...
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