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B2J Wooden Wall | E-Commerce Template
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B2J Wooden Wall is a free professional e-commerce template built around the Virtuemart component for Joomla. It is operating on the Bang2Joom Urartu Framework.
B2J Wooden Wall contains the following pages:
Outdoor Furniture
Living Room
Dining Furniture
-Contact Us
-supports redSHOP
-supports VirtueMart
-cross-browser compatibility
- SEO friendly
Functionality is extended with:
-B2J Image Slider
-B2J Aquarius Product Zoom PRO
-B2J Social Sharer
B2J Wooden Wall offers everything you want in an online web-store based on a design that's great for PC and mobile device navigation.
Still looking for a sleek, professional and easy-to-use theme to keep your shop's customers coming back for more?
Go with B2J Wooden Wall and rock on online-market!