We're happy to give you JSN Corsa with the combination of bright colors and exotic typography to emphasize clarity and usability. JSN Corsa will be the most powerful JoomlaShine template right now with the extended styles for many popular extensions: EasySocial, EasyDiscuss, EasyBlog, K2 and Kunena..
Preview image of JSN Corsa
JSN Corsa remarkable features
Flat Design
6 box styles
Natively compatible with Joomla! 2.5 & 3.x
Easy to install (One click installation with sample data)
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) friendly
Fast loading with lightweight optimized template graphics
Compatible with major browsers such as Mozilla Firefox 3.0+, Opera...
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Joomla templates lover from JoomlaShine.com
Working at www.joomlashine.com - where joomla templates and joomla extensions are shined
Let's build your gorgeous virtual store with the radiant colors and knockout features of JSN Glass! Besides lean design, slender edge and flat scheme, it is also eager to WOW mobile visitors with its responsive layout. The PRO edition of JSN Glass is equipped with the extended style crafted specially for HikaShop.
Preview image of JSN Glass
JSN Glass remarkable features
Flat Design
6 box designs
Natively compatible with Joomla! 2.5 & 3.x
Easy to install (One click installation with sample data)
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) friendly
Demo builder If you are wondering which template is suitable for your...
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JSN Venture is a high quality and multipurpose Joomla! template, especially made for event websites with extended style for Ohanah - an complete events solution. With the responsive layout and 28 predefined icons for retina display, JSN Venture will display beautifully on a wide range of devices.
Preview image of JSN Venture
JSN Venture remarkable features
Flat Design
Easy to install (One click installation with sample data)
Natively compatible with Joomla! 2.5 & 3.x
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) friendly
6 color variations include pink, red, green, cyan, brown and orange
Smooth page scroll with Go-to-top
Facebook, Twitter and...
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