Norman - Free WordPress Theme by FabThemes Norman is actually one of the minimalist free Bootstrap 3 themes for WordPress. The main page includes a image slide, which display your image in widescreen mode. Nice sliding effects present your content in a unique way. Special fonts integration and a drop down search are two other features of this theme. Beside this, Norman is easy to customize. You can set your own colors for every part of the theme. Overall a fine theme for minimal theme lovers. The download is free and available of the site of FabThemes. Test it. Features: Minimal layout Black/white color style Drop down search...
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  • Abram
    Abram says #
    Hi I've just made a site for a model using the Norman theme, the theme is great but in extention to it, is it possible to use the

Olida - OnePage WordPress Theme by BeantownThemes BeantownThemes realized with Olida a great OnePage Theme for WordPress, which is distinguished by its minimal and timeless design. Powered by fine looking effects, this theme convert your blog to a real eyecatcher. BeantownThemes deliver this theme with Visual Composer Page Builder and Revolution Slider, parallax and video backgrounds, a great advantage to build a contemporary webdesigns. Olida can be used for all web contents, but you can use it best, if you want to create a WordPress blog with a theme, which comes on one page and relies your content in scene. Features: Onepage layout Visual Composer Page Builder included...
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Heradino Mag - Free Minimal WordPress Theme - SWTThemes Heradino Mag is a free minimal WordPress Theme, which you can use best for timeless magazine or news blogs. SWTThemes deliver it with 8 fine widgets for WordPress. Heradino Mag is also ready for mailchimp, a email solution to manage contacts, send emails and track all results. Its responsive design works on all famous browsers. You can get this theme in a free version, with limited features, downloadable on the authors site. SWTThemes provide it also in a commercial version with copyright removal and forum support. Features: Minimal layout Black/white color style Drop down menu Special typography Mailchimp support Social profiles...
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