Why you should build a Marketplace website with Magento multi vendor marketplace Easy to build a Marketplace site with Magento Marketplace Extension Our Magento Marketplace Module in Magento is one of the best selling marketplace module in Magento community.The intention behind making this marketplace module is to equip e-commerce platform with the facility to sell products from multiple vendors. This digital market place helps in expanding the scope of an ecommerce website to sell a variety of products from multiple vendors. The main intention behind making this Magento market place module is that 1) An e-commerce webstore can sell products from different vendors.2) Customer can choose the products by verifying the profile of vendors. The...
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Solved: Speed up your Windows 10 upgrade - Windows installation hang - Windows 7 to Windows 10 upgrade It could happen in a normal Windows update or a Upgrade to Windows 10, that the installation process hangs. You wait minutes to minutes and nothing changed. If you've the possibilty, try this solution, which speed up your Upgrade to Windows 10 or Windows Update. 1. Use Alt+Strg+Delete2. Click in die Windows Popup on "Task Manager"3. Click in the Task Manager on the tab "Details" 4. Search in the "Details" after the file "Windows_Update.exe"5. Use the right mouse key and click on "End process" After this, Windows restart the "Windows_Update.exe" and perform a new connection to the Windows Update Server.After several...
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HP DesignJet 450C installation on Windows 10 - WIN10 - 64bit The HP driver support for the HP DesignJet 450C printer series was closed with the Windows XP 32bit driver, on 8 March 2004, but is it still possible to run a installation of the printer on the latest Microsoft Windows Edition, Windows 10, 64bit. This tutorial gives you a overview about the installation of a HP DesignJet 450C on Windows 10, 64bit, which works for us fine. But be carefull, we don't assume any liability for damage of your computer, your os or other software. Step1: Download following hp driver, which you can find here: pln532en Step2: Unzip the driver package,...
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Recent Comments - Show all comments
  • Jorge
    Jorge says #
    work great! for a 455ca. thanks
  • mikey
    mikey says #
    Worked great for my 650C. Thanks so much.
  • Wio5
    Wio5 says #
    For us, it works.


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