Modern web solutions for Joomla and Wordpress
DJ-Extensions is a well known developer of high quality Joomla! extensions and templates.
We are also authors of WordPress plugins and themes.
We believe that simplicity and user-friendliness makes good solution.
Most popular extensions are DJ-Classifieds, DJ-Catalog2, DJ-MediaTools, DJ-ImageSlider, DJ-MegaMenu. Our offer includes tools for YOOtheme Pro web builder.
deMonstrate your work Contest
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We are happy to announce a fantastic contest from DJ-Extensions adressed to everyone who used one or more of our Joomla extensions on own website!
We promote great work and we would like to show people how creatively our extensions can be used.
Just show us your website, share with your work and get a opportunity to promote your website and win amazing prizes worth $1200!
Submitted websites will be presented on!
We invite you to enter the competition, closing date is 30 September 2013.
Visit DJ-Extension website to get complete information about the contest - how to join, prizes & all rules.