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Introducing JD Skill Set - Best Joomla Number Counter Module

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JD Skill Set - Best Joomla Number Counter Module

JD Skill Set is a most advanced Free Joomla Module to showcase your skill set with animated numbers, comes with a friendly user interface, better user experience, extensive functionality and full customization options. Here are the key features which make this number counter Joomla module out of the box.

Promote your key business numbers.

You can showcase:
- Your achievements like x awards won, x projects completed, x years of excellence etc.
- Your Team strength like x number of PHP developers, x Joomla developers etc.
- Your business numbers like x branches, and x employees etc.
- Your fun facts like x number of coffee cups, x line of code, x fun games etc.
- All these kind of numbers engage a visitor on your website and increase their trust in your brand.

Easy configuration, no coding skills needed at all

Yes, it is true, that you don't need to have any coding skill to configure or customize the JD Skill Set Joomla module.

It's really simple and easy to use. You have all the visual options to change the colour, size or position of your icons, symbols and numbers. You just need to select the appropriate options from the backend and you are done.

>>>More Details <<<

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