[ Tutorial ] - Integrate a Google Adsense Code in a Joomla Articel with Phoca Google Adsense Easy

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This tutorial gives you a overview, how you can integrate a Google Adsense Code in a Joomla articel with Phoca Google Adsense Easy, in a easy way. Requirement for that is, that you have an current Google Adsense Account.

1. Step: Download Phoca Google Adsense Easy

Download Phoca Google Adsense Easy on the developers website.

Link: Phoca Google Adsense Easy

2. Step: Install Phoca Google Adsense Easy

Install Phoca Google Adsense Easy at Joomla 2.5 Administration by the use of the Install Function in the Extension Manager.

3. Step: Integrate your Google Adsense Code in Phoca Google Adsense Easy

After a successful installation, Phoca Google Adsense Easy is displayed in the Module Manager of your Joomla CMS.

Open Phoca Google Adsense Easy Module by activating the checkbox left of the module name and a click on the Edit Button, top right.

Intergrate your Google Adsense Code in the Basic Options of Phoca Google Adsense Easy Module. The easiest way for this is, if you open your Google Adsense Account in another browser window and integrate your Adsense Code by Copy & Paste in the Basic Options of Phoca Google Adsense Easy Module. After that, choose a module positon, which is not in use of your template and set the module status on published. At least, click on "Save & Close", top right. You can also change the title of this Phoca Adsense Easy Module and add IP(s) Block Lists or Alternate Content.

Important!: The selected module position name should not yet be in use by your template. You can also use a fictitious module position name. In our example, we choose the module position name "adsense".

4. Integrate your Phoca Google Adsense Easy Module in your Joomla Articel

Now intergrate your Phoca Google Adsense Easy Modul in your favorite position in your Joomla Articel by using following command:

{*loadposition adsense*} Use this command without *

Important!: "adsense" is our example module position name. Use instead of "adsense" your selected module position name.

Ready! Google Adsense is now shown in your articel, like this.

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