Joomla templates
Joomla-Monster creates professional and high quality premium and free Joomla! templates for many thematic categories.
Customers may see customized demo site of each template which is diligently prepared for users that want to adapt the website to their needs quickly.
We provide Quickstart packages with an exact copy of a demo site - easy to replace with your content.
Our Joomla! 3 templates are build on powerful, modern and useful EF4 or EF3 Frameworks.
Templates include great Joomla extensions - for galleries, ads, products catalog included for free in the template's price.
JM Car Classifieds
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JM Car Classifieds is a responsive, automotive Joomla Template, that was created exclusively for online auto classifieds website or any vehicle for sale.
This template has a wide range of opportunities for car selling and a professional car presentation.
We took a look around and noticed the most characteristic features important for showcasing, selling and renting vehicles.
The car rental template is a perfect Joomla solution for automotive companies, car dealership companies, single car agent or dealer. It does not matter, whether you sell new or used cars - this Joomla car template is tailored for your purposes.
Thanks to the DJ-Classifieds extension implemented here you are able to create own custom fields and use them for search fields. DJ-Classifieds component offers an advanced search module, that is very useful for users searching for specific car details.