Modern web solutions for Joomla and Wordpress

DJ-Extensions is a well known developer of high quality Joomla! extensions and templates.
We are also authors of WordPress plugins and themes.
We believe that simplicity and user-friendliness makes good solution.
Most popular extensions are DJ-Classifieds, DJ-Catalog2, DJ-MediaTools, DJ-ImageSlider, DJ-MegaMenu. Our offer includes tools for YOOtheme Pro web builder.

Keep Your Joomla 5 Site Secure with reCAPTCHA Integration

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In Joomla 5, the reCAPTCHA and Invisible reCAPTCHA plugins have been removed. These tools were essential for protecting against spam and bots in previous versions. However, you can still use them by installing plugins from Joomla 4.

What is CAPTCHA?

CAPTCHA helps distinguish humans from bots, securing registration forms, comment sections, and other interactive elements on your site, preventing automated registrations and spam submissions.

Steps to Install reCAPTCHA in Joomla 5

You can continue using reCaptcha in Joomla 5 by installing the Joomla 4 plugins. Follow our step-by-step guide here.

Invisible reCAPTCHA: Seamless Security

Invisible reCAPTCHA works in the background, analyzing user behavior to provide security without interrupting user interactions.

Integrate reCAPTCHA with DJ-Classifieds

For DJ-Classifieds, Joomla ads extension users, adding reCAPTCHA is crucial for maintaining a spam-free platform. Find out here.

Enhance Your Site’s Security Today

Integrating reCAPTCHA into Joomla 5 ensures top-notch protection and user experience. Use our easy installation packages and guides to secure your site against spam and bots efficiently.

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DJ-Extensions is a well known developer of high quality Joomla and WordPress products.
We believe that simplicity and user-friendliness makes good tool.
Most popular extensions are DJ-Classifieds, DJ-Catalog2, DJ-MediaTools, DJ-ImageSlider, DJ-MegaMenu.


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