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RocketTheme starts this september with a new template release, called Corvus, which is best suitable for blog-, magazine- or news websites. Fine text and media blocks garantees a appealing layout. 8 preset styles, 76 module positions and 10 styled module suffixes allows you the create a website with multiple design possibilities. The used Gantry Framework V4 comes with LESS CSS, CSS3 and HTML5, overall modern web technologies, which secure a fast load of your website. Corvus is commercial. You can used it with Joomla 2.5 and Joomla 3.1.

SP Smart Slider, SP Portfolio, SP Timel
SP Smart Slider, SP Portfolio, SP Timeli
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  • joom-friends
    joom-friends says #
    Really great.


TemplatesforJoomla's TFJ Honut Lite can be used for all website contents in Joomla 2.5. Based on a 980px grid, this template offers 4 layout options and comes with Xmap component support. TFJ Honut Lite is lightweight and fast loading, works also on all famous browers. TemplatesforJoomla used the Google Fonttype "Exo" for this template. TFJ Honut Lite is free. A registration on developers website is the condition. You can purchase this template in a pro version with more features.

SP Smart Slider, SP Portfolio, SP Timel
SP Smart Slider, SP Portfolio, SP Timeli
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"KeyStone" is first Joomla template release in September 2013. "KeyStone" is a well designed, modern and responsive HTML5/CSS3 template for Joomla 3.0+. It based on "Bootstrap", a flexible width grid framework (which is also used for the Joomla backend) and modern lightweight code. The template itself was created for a modern design agency or App presentation, but of course you can use it for a lot of other website types which needs a modern and friendly look&feel. The package includes the templates installation file, some additional images and a documentation. A quickstart package is also available for download. "KeyStone" provides...
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 business agency & creative portfolio
ST BUZZ - BUSINESS AGENCY AND CREATIVE PORTFOLIO Written by Super User. Posted in Templates ST Buzz - business agency & creative portfolio Live Demo ...
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JM-Creative - New excellent Joomla responsive template for news and magazine portal. The template is based on the useful and functional framework. The template uses extensions: DJ-Suggester - plugin that displays the box with suggested content from the currently viewed component. DJ-MediaTools - allows  to create slides, galleries, insert them into articles or modules.   DJ-MegaMenu - advanced menu system that allows you to set each menu item as you want.  DJ-MediaTools & DJ-MegaMenu are commercial extensions but they are included for FREE with this template. See the template's demo.Technical data: responsive layout (adapts to any screen size) , bootstrap-based less support HTML5 + CSS3...
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