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RT Paradigm - Contemporary Magento Theme by RocketTheme RocketTheme provide with Paradigm a contemporary Magento Theme, which comes in 8 preset styles and will be delivered with multiple extensions, like HompageGrid, ProductScroller or ImageBorder. Its flat design fits perfect to technic or it web shops. RocketTheme provide a online documentation and a online support for this theme, which is available on the download site. A registration for that is the condition. The download is commercial. Paradigm is ready for the Magento version, Magento 1.8 and Magento 1.9. Features: 8 preset styles Smooth JQuery menu HompageGrid extension included ProductScroller extension included ImageBorder extension included FeaturedProducts extension included MageMenu extension included CategoryView...
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Posted by on in Commercial Joomla Templates

RocketTheme design their Joomla template realization RT Hadron on flat designed grid by the power of Gantry 4 and integrate RokSporcket, which gives you the possibility to create beautiful contents on 88 module positions and 8 module suffixes. RT Hadron includes 8 preset styles. The included black style is our favorite. A lot of bonus pages, like 404 error, offline or coming soon are included. All your social icons are integratable in a provided module position. Modern web technologies, like HTML5, CSS3 and LESS, and RocketThemes seo extension RokBooster ensure the fast loading mode. You can use this template with Joomla 2.5 and Joomla 3.x. The download is commercial.

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Optimized by RokBooster, RocketTheme's new template realization, RT Spectral, works very fast in all famous browsers. Its layout comes with a rich palette of features, like 88 module positions, 8 different color sytles or 8 module suffixes. RocketTheme designed this theme is special for design lovers. The layout makes a good impression, is very minmal and contemporary. RT Spectral will  be delivered with a lot of bonus pages, like a 404 error page or a coming soon page. The download is commercial. You can use it with Joomla 2.5 and Joomla 3.1.

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