Magento 2 Back Order Extension | Pre-Order Upcoming Products
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With Backorder Magento 2 extension users can place orders for both Coming Soon and Out-of-Stock items. You can stimulate your customers to pre-order upcoming products in advance by offering them special discounts. Moreover, admin may also attach a pre-order note about the expected availability date of any product.
Detailed Features of Pre Order (1.0.4)
üEnable pre order & backorder of products
üCustomize pre-order cart buttons and notes
üPre Order of simple, configurable, grouped and bundle products
üChange “Add to Cart” button with ‘pre order’ or ‘backorder’ buttons
üShow pre-order tag in checkout, order detail page & Email
üDisplay custom notes and on-sale dates of products
üDisplay Countdown timer
üEfficiently determine your customer needs
Other Features:
üOpen Source 100%
üFree Technical Support & Updates
üVerified by Marketplace
üDeveloped by Certified Magento Developers