Modern Flavour - Restaurant Template for Joomla 2.5 by Shape5
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Modern Flavour is a responsive restaurant template for Joomla 2.5 by Shape5, who realized this template on its great Vertex Framework. This template provides a elegant layout with 94 collapsible module positions, 9 custom module suffixes and 2 custom highliight colors. The integrated navigation by the used drop down panel works very purposeful. Furthermore, you can integrated other extensions by Shape5, like S5 Box or S5 Image and Content Fader. Modern Flavour is commercial. You can use this template for desktops websites and mobile websites.
- 94 collapsible module positions
- 9 custom module suffixes
- 2 custom highliight colors
- Drop down menu
- Extension support for S5 Box, S5 Image and Content Fader, S5 Flex Menu, S5 Accordion Menu and S5 Tabs
- 3rd partie extension native
- RTL/LTR language support
- Google Font support
- Lazy load enabled
- Multibox enabled
- Tool tips enabled
- Cross browser compatible
- Mobile ready
And many more features.
Name: Modern Flavour
Author: Shape5
License: not reported
Charge: commercial
Size: not reported
Language: English
Native to: Joomla 2.5
Framework: Vertex Framework
Build with: not reported
Added on Thursday