Nano 2 - slick and fast loading Universal Template for Joomla 2.5 - based on Warp Framework - Author: Yootheme
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Finally, the moment, we've been waiting for, has arrived. Yootheme realized the next version of the famous Nano Theme, Nano 2. This new template based on Warp Framework and loads thereby very fast. Another reason for this is, that Yootheme developed Nano 2 on latest web technologies, like HTML5, CSS3, PHP 5.2+ and jQuery. The layout is very timeless and responsive. The layout options are very various. You can choose from 18 module positions, 8 template style variations, 6 columns layouts, 3 module layouts, 9 color styles and 10 font styles. Nano 2 has a flexible width, also the columns width is adaptable. You can also integrate Yoothemes great content application builder, Zoo, in this template. The download is commercial. Yootheme provides this template with a demo package and all integrated image files. Nano 2 is native to Joomla 2.5.
- 18 module positions
- 3 module layouts (Equal, Double and Stack)
- 8 template style variations (Default, Header, Line, Blocks, Page, Boxes, Tiles and Wide)
- 9 color styles
- 6 columns layouts
- 10 font styles (Arial, Lucida, Georgia, Trebuchet, Times New Roman, Kreon, Opens Sans, Droid Sans, Yanone Kaffeesatz and Maven Pro)
- Flexible width
- Adaptable Columns
- Yootheme Zoo support
- Yootheme Icon support
- Demo package with sample data
Name: Nano 2
Author: Yootheme
License: not reported
Charge: commercial
Size: not reported
Language: English
Native to: Joomla 2.5
Framework: Warp Framework
Build with: HTML5, CSS3, PHP 5.2+ and jQuery
Added on Tuesday