OT Smart House - Furniture and Kitchen Template for Joomla 2.5 - Author: OmegaTheme
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OT Smarthouse is best suitable for furniture- or kitchen websites. OmegaTheme realized it on their OMG Responsive Framework, which is ready for desktops and mobiles. OT Smarthouse comes with K2 and is ready for Joomla shop extensions, like VirtueMart. Its source code is well commented. So its easy to adapt it, as you want. The collapsed menu makes the navigation unique to other templates. The download is commercial. Its native for Joomla 2.5 and will be delivered with HotQuickStart.
SP Smart Slider, SP Portfolio, SP Timel
SP Smart Slider, SP Portfolio, SP Timeli
- 100% tabelless design
- Collapsed menu
- K2 support
- 18+ module positions
- Well commented source code
- Lightweight and fast loading
- Ready for desktops and mobiles
- Cross browser compatible to Chrome, Internet Explorer 8+, Firefox, Safari and Netscape
- HotQuickStart included
- Configuration guide included
Name: OT Smarthouse
Author: OmegaTheme
License: not reported
Charge: commercial
Size: not reported
Language: English
Native to: Joomla 2.5
Framework: OMG Responsive Framework
Build with: PHP, XML
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Furniture Template Joomla 2.5
Kitchen Template Joomla 2.5
OMG Responsive Framework
OT SmartHouse