Solved: Speed up your Windows 10 upgrade - Windows installation hang - Windows 7 to Windows 10 upgrade
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It could happen in a normal Windows update or a Upgrade to Windows 10, that the installation process hangs. You wait minutes to minutes and nothing changed.
If you've the possibilty, try this solution, which speed up your Upgrade to Windows 10 or Windows Update.
1. Use Alt+Strg+Delete
2. Click in die Windows Popup on "Task Manager"
3. Click in the Task Manager on the tab "Details"
4. Search in the "Details" after the file "Windows_Update.exe"
5. Use the right mouse key and click on "End process"
After this, Windows restart the "Windows_Update.exe" and perform a new connection to the Windows Update Server.
After several Updates of Windows 7 to Windows 10 and Windows 8 to Windows 10, we recognize, that this procedure resulted the Windows Upgrade in shorter times.
In our opinion, the trigger of the installation process hang is, that your system could not perform a connection to the Windows Update Server. With this procedure, your system try to connect itself again and again, until the connection stands.
For us, this procedure works, maybee also for you.