Sparky Framework - Free Template Framework for Joomla 2.5 and Joomla 3.0 by HotJoomla
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Sparky Framework, by HotJoomla, allows you to create beautiful template layouts without programming skills. HotJoomla provide this free template framework with a special layout builder, which makes it possible to create custom layouts by drag and drop. You can create new module positions, remove them or change their position in few steps. Moreover this, Sparky Framework includes 12 columns, which are very flexible and have a fluid width. Also Google Analytics or Google Fonts integration is possible. Overall this framework is very easy to configure by the integrated administration in Joomla Backend. You can also export your styled template in a other Joomla installation. A special export function makes this possible. Furthermore, this framework is seo friendly, all CSS code will be generated dynamically. Sparky loads only the components, which will be used. The download is free. You can use it in Joomla 2.5 and Joomla 3.0.
- Fast loading
- Seo friendly
- Easy to configure
- Special layout builder
- Integrated style designer
- Multiple menu types (drop-down menu, accordion menu, classic menu and horizontal menu)
- 12 flexible columns with a fluid width
- Google Analytics support
- Google Fonts support
Name: Sparky Framework
Author: HotJoomla
License: not reported
Charge: free
Size: 447 KB (zip-file Sparky Framework)
Language: English
Native to: Joomla 2.5, 3.0
Framework: Sparky Framework
Build with: PHP, XML
Added on Thursday