Sport - Joomla Template
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Select any background image from template parameters plus BG color. Where the background is enabled it is possible to disable to and olso for the slideshow the same thing.
Template positions are clear to see and order by general section. Left and right scroll articles...
other template details:
Joomla! 3.x Compatible -
Custom template color (unlimited colors) -
Custom template width or full-screen -
Custom column width -
Responsive and bootstrapped -
Horizontal and vertical scroll articles editable from template parameters -
Sidebar News ticker, display Joomla articles in vertical scroll. Controlled from template parameters -
Video or slideshow as template background (youtube, and local videos), controlled from template parameters, you can assign it to any menu item you like -
Jssor Slideshow (multiple-effects) controlled from template parameters -
30 article layers for slideshow, with option to select them easy from template manager -
Plenty of module positons -
Plenty of layouts (2 column on left, 2 column on right, 2 column left and right etc.) -
Enable / Disable scroll effects -
Social and share media icons -
Default or zoom, module style -
Google analytics -
Module and menu height option -
Custom background image, background color, text color, links color and background color transparency for all part of template -
Background image repeat option (horizontal, vertical, horizontal and vertical or fixed) -
Enable or disable background images for all part of templates -
Slidepanel with four module positons and option for button, content, links color (etc.) -
Css3 multiple animation for loading and scrolling (enable/disable option) -
Custom font size -
Image Gallery and newsletter module -
Tabs module for displaying modules with slide or fade effect -
Accordion module for displaying articles with different transitions -
Newsflash module for displaying articles with different transitions -
Google maps module for displaying your company location -
Youtube video module for displaying multiple videos -
Youtube plugin module for displaying videos on unlimited articles -
Custom fav icon -
Login and register module -
Designed using the latest HTML5 markup language -
SEO optimazation for good results on search engines -
Option for displaying template positions in clear way -
LTR and RTL language -
Enable or disable responsive layout -
Custom css for overriding the default template css in easy way -
Enable or disable front page -
SQL data file so you get full positions and extensions installed -
Css Validation -
Scroll to top button -
Error page -
Basic K2 style -
Help file for installing the template -
Disable footer link -
Extensions price inclusive -
Quick free support 24/7 (guaranteed) and more...