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Buying a computer, no matter what kind is an exhaustive process. You need the perfect monitor, the clickiest keyboard, a sensitive but not too sensitive mouse/trackpad. For something that you are paying a premium for, and something that can last you about five years, you want to make the right decision.   However, sometimes you don't have to focus on each part of the assembly. This is when you can make compromises in certain aspects.   There is room for a lot of experiment and mix match of devices when you have a traditional computer over a laptop or an...
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DisplayPort Cables: An Important Accessory for Every Setup
When it comes to computer cables, what comes to mind is power cables, Displayport cables, HDMI cables, AUX cables, etc. One of the important cables in this list is the DisplayPort cable. Let's talk about that. DisplayPort has been a popular choice for computers, whereas HDMI has been popular for televisions. So, why has the DisplayPort cable been a crucial computer cable for so many years?   The new DisplayPort standard, 2.0 is here and set to come to devices in 2020. It brings with it speed in data transmission and some new benefits. According to VESA, the organization that makes the display...
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Computer Store - Free Online Shop Template for Joomla 2.5 by Themza

Realized for Joomla 1.7, Computer Store, by Themza, works also fine in Joomla 2.5. You can choose between 3 color styles and a lot of module positions. A drop down menu, based on javascript is included. The download is free, without condition. Computer Store is best suitable to online shop websites, but you can use it also for all other Joomla websites.

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