Happy Halloween!
Sale for limited time! 25% OFF on all single templates, extensions and memberships.
Use the coupon code: 25Hall2024
Celebrate Halloween weekend with Ordasoft Web Development company!
Only for 30 October - till 3 November catch discount on all Ordasoft products:
Joomla templates
Joomla extensions
Wordpress templates
Drupal themes
35% discount for our regular customer. Please write to OrdaSoft contact us form and we will send coupon to you.
For our New Clients discount 25% - Coupons code: Halloween25
On the tariff plan - site + hosting discount 15% - Coupons code: Halloween15
More information about Halloween Sale of Joomla Templates and Joomla extensions read here...
Best price for all Extension, Joomla templates and subscription plan!
Take part in OrdaSoft mega sale! Only 4 days we give crazy discounts up to 35% on all OrdaSoft products !
Discounts apply to all our products including Joomla Templates and Joomla Extensions, Wordpress and Drupal themes. The promotion is valid from 3 - 7 September, 2020.
35% discount for our regular customer. Please write to ordasoft contact us form and we will send coupon to you.For our New Clients discount 25%, coupon code: OSAUTUMNOn the tariff plan - site + hosting discount 15%, coupon code: OSAUTUMN15
This summer we...